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Q: Why do you get the shakes but as soon as you eat sweet stuff its ok?
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Is there a food that ants will not eat?

they dont eat stuff that are not sweet

Do fireflies eat sweet stuff?

no, they eat bark off your trees

What cats don't eat?

fruits, vegetables, and most sweet stuff.

What are facts about sugar?

Sugar is stikcy sweet stuff you can eat. But if you eat too much you will get sick.

What is the stuff ants eat in an ant farm?

Ants usually eat sweet stuff but usually theywill eat anything from cake to cockroaches. Trust me I've tested it !!!

Do raccoons eat sweet stuff?

Yes. Very good scavengers, 'coons will eat just about anything.

How many servings of sweet stuff should you eat daily?

one or less.

Of what sweet stuff are bears especially fond?

Bears love to eat anything sweet, but honey is number one on the list

How do people put up with diabetes?

They just have to put up with it and just take what ever they take and if they choose not to then that's there problem and if they don't some people could die if they don't take there pills and eat lots of sweet stuff or just eat sweet stuff

Do hummingbirds eat meat and plant?

no they are hebivores because they like red things and like sweet stuff

What people use to eat in Athens?

they use to eat dodo sike naw just playing bUT they use to eat cow ND chicken and they eat stuff they plant and sweet's

Can you drink shakes or eat ice-cream at McDonald?

yes you could they have smoothies, ice cream, shakes.