

Why do you give chocolate on Easter?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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15y ago

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If you really like chocolate then you are sacrificing something. You may find it hard, but you remember that Christ gave up his life for us - and that is a greater deed then giving up chocolate!

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because children complain to much

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Lent is the 40 days before Easter when people give something that they like up (often chocolate). It ends at Easter.

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Well, you could also give presents on Easter and birthdays!!! On Easter you could give a present or simply just give delicious chocolate to someone special.

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Easter Sunday is the traditional day for chocolate Easter Eggs.

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Why chocolate Easter eggs?

Chocolate eggs are a traditional staple during the Easter season and holiday. Milk chocolate eggs are some of the most popular.

Why is chocolate given away at Easter?

Cos chocolate is good