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WikiAnswers is set up to recognize duplicate questions, but if there's even one word different, both questions will appear. A WikiAnswers Supervisor will usually catch this and combine the answers, eventually.

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Q: Why do you have Two answers for one question on wikianswers and how do you know which one people are recommending?
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How does WikiAnswers know?

WikiAnswers is Everyone. And surely Someone knows the answer to your question. We are people just writing down answers!

How can we change WikiAnswers to include answers which direct people to the resources which will help them answer the question themselves aka teach people how to learn?

By changing WikiAnswers into the Google homepage.

Can WikiAnswers answer any question?

Well baasically people post their answers on here and it is really helpful!

What is this site about exactly?

WikiAnswers is a question and answer site. It is a site where you can ask questions and get answers. It is a "wiki", which means that the answers are given by people who visit the site.

Do WikiAnswers have answers for everything?

no... it only answers what people can and will answer

Who is giving answers on WikiAnswers?

The people that are logged into Wikianswers, of course.

Why should you choose WikiAnswers?

Because it will help build a comprehensive question and answer site. Someone else might have the same question as you and chances are it will be answered by then. You are helping out others and getting your question answered.

How is the WikiAnswers useful to us?

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Why is WikiAnswers so famous?

WikiAnswers is a great website for asking questions and getting answers. When someone has a question, WikiAnswers is one of the places they can go to get an answer. Answers on WikiAnswers also rank high on search engine results for many questions, so people can easily find out about the website while searching Google

Is WikiAnswers for dorks?

no its for people who want answers