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Actually, you dont, its eather the color of your eyes; or, you ave an eye problem. Unless the coloring i yellow, you should see your doctor right away, becasue that means that something is possibly wrong with your immune system.

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Q: Why do you have an orange around your pupil?
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Was there orange in the eyes pupil as a result of hiroshima atom bomb?

yes there was a discolourisation of the eye as it turns slightly orange after the side effects of the bomb

What are the rings of muscle around the pupil gives the eyes color?

it is known as Iris. contraction or relaxation of iris alters the size of pupil.

What is the possessive noun for pupil?

Pupil's The pupil's mother came to school.

How big can a cat pupil be?

Around 0.5 inch to 0.75923 inches

Is orbit a colored circular structure around the pupil?

No it is called the iris.

What is the ring around your pupil called?

The colored bit is called the iris, and is actually a muscle. it expands and contracts to make the pupil (black bit) either smaller or larger, depending how much light there is. the brighter the outside would is, the smaller the pupil gets.

What is the black hole in the center of the iris?

The black circle in the middle of the iris in your eye is called a pupil. It dilates to adjust with sunlight.

What is an homograph for pupil?

An example of a homograph for "pupil" is "pupil" (a student) and "pupil" (the dark circular opening in the center of the eye).

What is the apostrophe of pupil Questions?

The word pupil is a common singular noun. It requires no apostrophe.The pupil looked bored.If the word pupil has a possession or belonging, it needs an apostrophe.The pupil's questions challenged me.The principal was amazed at the pupil's insightful questions.

What is the homograph word for pupil?

A homograph for "pupil" is "pupil," which can also refer to the small, dark hole in the center of the eye.

What is the colored part of the eye color called?

The color of your eye is called the color of your eye.DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The opening through which light enters the eye?

The pupil allows light to enter the eye.