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Q: Why do you have levels in drama?
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Related questions

Why is space imortant in drama?

space is a main component in drama because it shows shapes, levels and proxemics.

What does it mean to have different levels in drama?

It can mean how high your voice is.

What are levels in drama?

This is where you have people standing up, sitting down, etc., sometimes to illustrate power levels or superiority, but also just for staging, to make sure everyone can be seen, etc.

What are the techniques of drama?

It is a good idea to use space and levels and consider the proximity of the characters/objects =D Someone answer the question T.T

What are the Staging techniques of drama?

It is a good idea to use space and levels and consider the proximity of the characters/objects =D Someone answer the question T.T

Why are levels important in drama?

Levels give a stage more visual interest, and the various levels can be useful, as they allow different characters the opportunity to communicate different status, for example. The various levels might represent different locations, or may just allow the audience to see particular bits of the action more clearly. I hope this helps!

Is there a total drama drama drama drama action?


What is leveling in a stage play or drama?

levels are the different heights characters are to show their authororoty. Eg: If there was a King and a peasent, the King would be on a higher level to the peasent.

Why is the total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island not available on itunes?

The total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island is not available on itunes because of publishing wars.

What is drama in Spanish?

drama = teatro a drama (a dramatic play) = una drama

Why do they start total drama the musical if there is no total drama drama drama drama action?

there is 1 thing wrong in your ? it is called world tour but they{the competitors} sing anyway the manhunt movie is the total drama drama drama action

What are the types of drama that are known?

regular drama, crisis drama, & baby momma drama