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It could just be muscular pain, not related to the liver. Or it could be gall-bladder pain (I don't think the health of the gall-bladder shows up on liver function testing). Or it might be psychological - if you're worried that your liver's going wrong, you're more likely to notice pain/discomfort in that area.

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Q: Why do you have liver pain when liver tests are normal?
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How to order liver tests?

CMP (chem 14) or liver function tests (LFTs)

What is liver profile?

A liver profile, also known as LFTs (Liver function tests) are a set of blood tests done to assess liver function.

What could be genetic cause of debilitating joint pain if all of the rheumatological tests are normal?

Seronegative Rheumatoid arthritis.

How do you relieve liver pain?

You can relieve liver pain by taking some over the counter medicine. You can also relieve liver pain by not drinking as much and going to the doctor. If you have liver pain I would seek medical attention.

What does liver profile on a blood test request form mean?

This is a group of blood tests which all analyze liver function and tell how well your liver is doing its job. These tests usually include tests for bilirubin levels, and several liver enzymes.

What are normal liver function test results?

the range for normal AST is reported between 10 to 40 units per liter and ALT between 7 to 56 units per liter.

What are common causes of liver pain?

Liver pain can be caused by numerous diseases, including liver cancer, hepatitis, liver abscess, and fatty liver disease. Conditions affecting other organs surrounding the liver can also cause pain by putting pressure on it. More information can be found here:

Tests for what chemicals will indicate that the liver is not functioning properly?

Tests that can indicate liver dysfunction include liver function tests (LFTs) such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), which measure liver enzyme levels. High levels of these enzymes can indicate liver damage. Other tests include bilirubin levels, which can indicate impaired liver function, and prothrombin time (PT), which measures the liver's ability to produce clotting factors.

Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease?

Liver disease occurs when the liver is no longer able to properly perform normal functions and is usually a sign that the liver is about to fail. In most cases, around 75 percent of the liver is damaged or unable to function before signs and symptoms of the disease start to occur. Recognizing the signs is an important part of getting treatment.Pain and SwellingA potential sign of liver disease is pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdominal region, or the upper right area of the torso. In some situations, this pain is accompanied by swelling in the same area. The pain and swelling are serious signs of liver disease and require immediate medical attention.In most cases, the pain related to liver disease is severe and persistent. A brief pain that does not persist is usually not a sign of liver disease. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause, so it is important to discuss any upper abdominal pain not related to exercise with a medical doctor as soon as possible.Yellowing Skin and EyesYellowing of the skin and eyes, or jaundice, is the most common sign of liver disease. This occurs in almost every form of liver disease, including hepatitis. Jaundice is usually easy to recognize when it first develops and is a sign of severe liver damage. In some situations, the liver can heal and function normally after regular treatment.Appetite and FatigueChronic fatigue, changes to appetite and nausea are common signs of the problem that might or might not be related to liver disease. In many situations, doctors will run tests for other potential problems like anemia as well as tests for the liver if these signs stand alone.Appetite changes and fatigue that come with jaundice or pain in the upper abdominal region are clear signs of a liver problem. Doctors will usually run blood tests to determine the exact problem.Liver disease is a serious problem. It can result in liver failure, inefficient waste removal and sometimes even death if it is not treated.

What is a normal liver alt level?

What is a normal liver alt level?

How do you test the liver?

Liver function tests involve blood tests that measure levels of enzymes, proteins, or other substances produced by the liver. These tests can help evaluate liver health and detect any abnormalities or diseases. Imaging tests like ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans may also be used to visualize the liver structure and identify any abnormalities. Biopsy, where a small tissue sample is taken from the liver for analysis, may be recommended to diagnose specific liver conditions.

How long does it take for normal liver function to return after a month of heavy drinking alcohol?

The liver functions normally while a person is drinking. It is the liver that primarily metabolizes the alcohol being consumed.Another Answer:The liver is stressed while metabolizing alcohol. Alcohol (ab)use is one of the primary causes of liver failure.