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The urge to look is an early stage of what we might describe as "sexual awakening". People become interested in other people's bodies because ours is a species that engages in sexual reproduction.

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Q: Why do you have the urge to look at breasts?
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What do a 13 year old girl's breasts look like?

Are you sure about this because a 13 year olds breasts would look like a womans breasts

Is breasts breasts?

Your pregnant most likely, look on for more.

Do push up bras make your breasts bigger?

The make you breasts look bigger but they do not make your breasts grow bigger.

Do breasts look awesome?

No they dont.

Why boys look at breasts wantedly?

While the true answer to this question is as individual as each person, I think most boys look at a girl's breasts because they are curious, and because they find breasts attractive.

Why do men like ladies breasts?

They don't have breasts of their own. If you mean the question seriously, there are a number of reasons. Everyone is born with the urge to notice breasts, since that is how infants are fed. Even as adults, comfort can still be found in cuddling and caressing breasts. As everyone is exposed to society, they learn that breasts have a sexual connotation, since breasts are used to feed babies, and babies are produced by sex. So when someone is aroused by women, they may see the breasts in the same or similar way as sexual organs.

Do men like how breasts look?


Why do my cousin's breasts look different sizes each time I see her?

well because breasts are usually fast growing on a females chest. although you shouldn;t look at other people's breasts for fun.

What are some ways for your breasts to look larger?


How do you tell a women is a phony?

just look at her breasts

How does kelly kelly's breasts look like?


Why do wrestlers have large breasts?

Wrestlers have well developed pectoralis major muscles. These muscle are placed behind the breasts. That makes the apparent size of the breasts look bigger.