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i totally agree with you. society considers skinny as beautiful...but there are so many Gorgeous women that are not the skinniest twigs in the world. I look at it as, if they really care about what you look like then they arent human. Real humans only truly care about the person on the inside...and you will always here that phrase..but its true.... i have always wished i had the perfect bodies of my friends. skinny, perceft chest size everything..perfect hair, face... Society as come down to many things and in the one even wants to look at you if you are more then a size 2.

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Q: Why do you have to be anorexic to be considered beautiful or even datable it's offensive since I am chubby and looking for a boyfriend?
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Is angeline jolie anerexic?

No, Angelina Jolie is NOT anorexic. She is 129 lbs and very toned. She has a beautiful and perfect body.

What is the song where in its video there is an anorexic girl two men kissing and a skinny guy flexing in a mirror?

Christina Aguillera... Beautiful

Is it true that some girls get anorexic due to their boyfriend?

That is true, and many people have been affected by it. Yes, but it is the girl's choice to do so.

Are you anorexic if you only eat tea at the end of the day?

Anorexia is based on weight, not what you eat. But if you continue ONLY eating tea all day you probably will loose enough weight to be considered anorexic.

What is the meaning of Christina Aguilera's song beautiful?

The song is basically explaining that how you look on the outside and how you are identified (emo, goth, anorexic, homosexual, ect.) doesn't matter, because we are all beautiful on the inside.

Scary skinny do you have a disease?

Anorexia is not plain looks. To be anorexic is to not be in control of your own actions towards food. You restrict and do not care what it does to you, because all you care about is control and not gettting fat. If you are like that, and 25 pounds underweight, then you are considered anorexic. If you are just 25 pounds underweight, you are unhealthy, but not anorexic or diseased.

What is an anorexic?

An anorexic is a person who suffers from anorexia.

How did Mary Kate get so thin?

she is anorexic. she is anorexic.

How do sims become anorexic?

They can't become anorexic.

You only eat a bagel in then you starve the rest of the day does that make you an anorexic?

No, not at all, actually. First of all, an anorexic probably wouldn't eat a whole bagel at once. Even if you want to, if you're truly anorexic, you can't, trust me. Second of all, if it's just one day, then you're not considered anorexic, you just didn't eat much that day. It has to be something regular for it to be given the title anorexic. Besides, what lots of people don't realize is this: You aren't anorexic unless you're underweight. If you're normal weight, but you starve yourself, you are simply fasting, or starving yourself, until you're underweight.

You want a boyfriend but you're fat why do looks mean everything?

I'm a guy, and to me, fat doesn't mean any thing bad. I think all of these anorexic chicks are ugly. My current girlfriend may consider herself fat, but I think she is beautiful. I guess it just depends on the type of guy: some like it hot. Curves are hot.

How can you be a good anorexic?

That can't really be possible. You have to not be anorexic anymore.