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You have to serve on a jury because defendants need to be judged by a jury of their peers, without prejudice, therefore the basic and easiest way for a city or state to do that is use voter registration lists to have different jurors selected. Then it is up to the lawyers to pick a jury that will help their cause.

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One would have to serve jury duty as it is one of the most important civic duties of an American Citizen as it involves the protection of the rights and liberties in the court.

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To serve on a jury Answer 2 But I can serve on a jury and I'm not a US citizen. I'm British and serve on juries in the UK. My bad. Should have said serve on juries in the US.

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They can be asked to serve on both criminal juries and civil juries - occasionally on Grand Juries. Actually you may never know, until such time as you are selected from the jury pool and ushered into the courtroom for Voire Dire and the judge tells you the nature of the case that will be tried there. .

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women, native americans, and non-landowners

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Given the fundamental principle of freedom of religion, it follows that the Amish have the same legal rights and responsibilities as any other citizen, therefore they can serve on juries. But in practical terms, it would be very unusual for them to do so. They don't live in high crime areas, and they have their own ways to deal with social transgression in their community.

Was a major characteristic of democracy of ancient Athens?

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