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Q: Why do you have to wet the lead pellet before dropping it on water?
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Why do you have to wet the lead pellet before dropping it into the graduated cylinder when determining the volume?

When using a lead pellet to determine the volume of a liquid, the pellet is wet before being dropped into the cylinder so that it will sink faster. If the pellet was not wet it would take a fraction of a second to start to sink in the liquid.

Can you get lead poison from a pellet from a pellet gun?

You can get lead poison from any form of lead if you ingest or absorb enough of it.

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Will a lead pellet dissolve in my body?

See a doctor. Lead will make you sick and can damage the body.

Can you get lead poisoning from a lead pellet that has been lodged in your forearm for 11 years It moves up and down when i move my wrist as if its attached to a tendon.?

I have a pellet lodged in my head from a pellet gun shooting, It has been lodged for 32 years now and no problems to speak of.

Are lead pellet guns illegal in Michigan?

No, pellet guns are legal in Michigan as long as they are over 30 inches in length. Lead ammo if perfectly fine and there are no restrictions in using it that I'm aware of.

What to do if you SWALLOW a lead bb pellet?

You will most likely just pass it.

What is the meaing of pulet gun?

I think you mean pellet gun. That is a gun that fires a small lead pellet but does not use gun powder. It uses compressed air or compressed gasses to push the pellet.

How you can buy an air gun lead pellet maker machine?

I don't believe such a thing is for retail sale

Do pellet guns shot metal bullets or plastic?

Pellet guns shoot lead pellets. The advantage of a lead pellet is that it is heavy, and can be shaped into an aerodynamic cone shape that cuts through the air. They are also more responsive to the rifling inside the barrel and spin as they fly. Pellet guns are actually quite different (and much more accurate) than bb guns. You can actually kill small animals with a pellet gun so if you are looking for something that's more of a toy you might want to get an airsoft gun. Those shoot plastic bb's and are non-lethal.

What pellet goes the farthest?

I would say a lead pellet with pointing little tip should be blue . A head shot to. A turkey at 40 yards is lethal. Ps a oiled gun will help to. Check local gun laws and conservation laws before u use a rifle that u know is lethal. Be safe and have fun

Are BBs or Pellets more accurate?

In general, BB guns are smoothbore, and the barrel is larger than the steel BB. Pellets guns are rifled, and fire a lead pellet that is a squeeze fit to the bore. This is MUCH more accurate than a BB. GOOD pellet guns are more accurate than firearms, within their usable range. I have one pellet rifle that will put pellet after pellet into the same hole in the target at 10 meters.