

Why do you have too shower?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Or you would smell bad and eventually get sick. Also, other people wouldn't like to be near you.

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65. Too many if you ask me!

Where can I buy a shower head?

You can get the bestseller showerhead on Amazon for just $29.99. It has high pressure and you can get a complimentary shower filter capsule if you have hard chlorinated water. Or a shower arm if your shower is too low.

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The 'shower rooms' were gas chambers, and they were gassed. Hope it's not too vague. Jonny

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I do not know why this happens but I am seeking answers too. My sugar goes up by about 25 points after a shower.

What kinds of activities would typically be done at a baby shower?

Hi there, activities at a baby shower definately depends on personal taste and you can have themed baby shower activities too. You could play games, give gifts, eat