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Q: Why do you look at other people subconsciously?
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Which gender are you subconsciously?

There is no "subconscious " genders. People may look one gender and feel another, but that is not subconscious. If something is subconscious they don't know about it.

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subconsciously you have a psychological dependence on something, whether it be a drug , sex, people

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Are horoscope compatabilitys real?

Many people believe astrology is for entertainment value only but for those people who really follow their horoscope - their personal beliefs can certainly influence how they will react to people and circumstances and that may influence their relationships in such a way that will make them seem compatible or not.For instance if you believe you are not compatible with any Virgo, then you may subconsciously look for reasons not to get along with people you know who happen to be Virgo. On the other hand, if you believe you are compatible with Capricorns, you may subconsciously put more effort into relationships with people who happen to be Capricorn. In either case it is your subconscious that makes the star signs appear to be real - so for you they are real.

Can you be subconsciously in love?

Yes! People do it all the time. You know when you don't like someone, and you keep telling yourself that you don't like them, yet you think about them ALL the time and you don't even realize that you are doing it? That is subconsciously in love.

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There are many people who look alike to other people.

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Why do gay guys look at other guys' pants?

Most people look at other people's pants. There's no way not to look at someone's pants unless you are blind.

Do you really notice eye blinking?

You don't usually notice your own eyes blinking - but you subconsciously notice other peoples.

How many other people look like you?

7 people

Can Someone's Dating Life Be Effected By Their Father's Abandonment?

It has been said. I know a lot of people, because of the lack of a father figure in their life, have ended up with men twice their age. Subconsciously they are looking for a man that will look after them because they never had a man to do that for them.

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Only subconsciously.