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Q: Why do you mention she is a member of the Church of Scientology yet you never mention Barack Obama is or was a member of the church pastored by Jeremiah Wright?
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Is Barack Obama a member of the Church of Scientology?

No, he is not. And there is also no evidence he ever expressed an interest in Scientology.

What is the preachers name that married Barack Obama?

Jeremiah Wright.

Who performed Barack Obama's marriage ceremony?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Who baptized Barack Obama's children?

They were baptized by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, at the same Chicago church where Barack and Michelle attended off-and-on for about fifteen years and where the couple had been married in 1992.

Who performed the marriage ceremony of Barack Obama?

When Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson got married in Chicago in early October 1992, their pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, performed the ceremony at the church they belonged to.

Is Barack Obama in the last scene of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter?

Probably not. He isn't listed in the cast, and no mention of him is made in any of the reviews, but one reviewer does mention a line of dialogue that gives a shout-out to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Was Frank Marshall Davis the primary influence on Barack Obama's bad policies?

Yes. Barack Obama was influenced by Frank as well as Bill Ayres, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Maxlcolm X and Gus Hall.

Which us presidents used cocaine?

Barack Obama wrote that as a youth he experimented with drugs. He did not mention cocaine , but is seems to be a possibility.

Is Barack Obama affiliated with Louis Farrakhan?

No, Barack Obama is not affiliated with Louis Farrakhan. There is no official affiliation between the two individuals. However, Obama did face criticism during his presidential campaign for his past association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who had made controversial remarks.

What is Obama's affiliation with Muslim sympathizer Rev Wright?

Reverend Jeremiah Wright was the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Barack Obama was a member of that church when he lived in Chicago.

Where in the Bible does it say Barack would rule?

Unless you think he is the anti-Christ... there is no mention of Obama in the bible. If that is your belief... go to the book of Revelation.

Where did michele barack marry?

The two got married in Chicago, where they were both living and working. Their wedding was on October 3, 1992. It was performed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. at the Trinity United Church of Christ.