

Why do you need bombs?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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10y ago

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Bombs are not needed at all. They exist solely to kill and destroy in times of war. The atomic bombs bore against Japanese during the second world war were used to overwhelm them quickly and bring a quick end of the war. It is still cause for speculation if race was a reason for using the weapons, as most Americans at the time hated and feared the Japanese as a whole.


Bombs have several uses in military campaigne. They:

  • destroy large areas of insustrial complexes, supplies or airplane and ship marshalling areas
  • create a lrge number of wounbded requiring the dedication of resourses away from military purposes
  • they make the civilian population discouraged and nonsupportive of the war effory
  • demonstrate the enemies determination towin at any cost without regard to the population wuth which they are at war
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bombs !, bombs i tell ya suicide bombs, home mad bombs,puppies bombs,

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*bombs. & which bombs? Any bombs are dropped ANYWHERE.

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H.e (high explosives)/fire bombs and oil bombs

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Could US win the war against Japan if the Atomic bombs was not dropped on their lands?

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