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Q: Why do you need different tires for a hybrid car?
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What is special about the tires on a hybrid car?

There is not anything special about tires on a hybrid care. It is possible to buy low-resitant tires for such a vehicle but these can also be purchased for non-hybrid cars.

How many car tires in a ton?

Depends what tires they are because different tires have different densities...

What size of tires do you need?

You need the tires that are most appropriate for your car.

What car tires are made in America?

Thousands of different car tires are made in America.

Do you need to flatten car tires to tow?

No, you need the tires with the air in them to tow it.

What is the different between hybrid car and car?

The difference is that a hybrid car has an engine that can run on gasoline OR the battery. The regular car only runs on gas.

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car tires

How much mails difference between hybrid car and Dessel car?

Hybrid car is a small car in which there can be sit less than 3 person and dessel car is totally different to Hybrid car and dessel car can run in any roads without any problem.

Are ridged car tires better than smooth car tires?

If you want traction you need the tread. Smooth tires are only used for racing.

When do i need to rotate your tires?

You don't need to rotate MY tires but, you need to when your car goes left or right when the wheel is straight.

Is the structure in a hybrid car different?

hybrid cars can charge up by battery and fill up with gas.

How efficient is hybrid car fuel?

Hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular cars. Also, the great thing about the hybrid car is that you do not necessarily need to use fuel to drive a hybrid car, which will help you save money on gas.