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Farms provide us with food and animals that we eat. Also, without farms, there would be no ethanol, cheese, milk, or practically any meat product. Also, corn syrup and the many soybean products would not be possible. There would be no sugar if there were no farms. Without farms the world would be a much different place, in a very bad way.

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to feed people

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Q: Why do you need farms?
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Why are farms important?

We need food.

Why do farms have aminals?

Not all Farms have animals But some do... You need sheep for the wool you need cows for milk you need chooks for the eggs And so on Hope I helped From Jana

What did southern farms need that the new England farms didn't?

Good soil, flat land, and water.

What different types of farming mostly used in the us?

well there's a lot of kinds of farming. There's farmers that have crop farms, horse farms, pig farms, cow farms, chicken farms, turkey farms, just about every kind of animal on a farm can come from that kind of farm. to make it, say a horse farm, they need a lot of horses and they need to breed them of a profit. then they sell the colts and fillies to other people. you can do that with just about any kind of animal you can find on a farm.

How can you help farms?

In the United States, most poor farmers have sold out to large corporations where the officials make millions and where the farms receive government subsidies. The large corporations do not need help. The people who need help are the migrant workers living on those factory farms who live 15 in a trailer.

What types of farms can you get?

Organic farms, commercial farms, "factory" farms, grain farms, ranches, chicken farms, pig farms, dairy farms, beef farms, bison ranches, etc.

Why did Pennsylvania need farms?

They are of great importance when people desire food to eat.

Why do people need farms?

To grow food and raise livestock and all that livestock.

What is the reason many people sold their farms to aristocrats?

Because they need money.

What type of farms are in Florida?

Cattle farms, gator farms, pig farms, chicken farms, horse farms, etc.

Why do we do terrace farming?

we do terrace farming to create more farms for more food. the human population is growing right now it is at about 7 billion people so we need more food so we need more farms. we build more and more farms. after a long time we have taken up all of the flat places and we need more farms so we grow them on slopes and the sides of hills etc., etc. thank you by the way this is avery 😎😜🌮

Soviet farms were either collective farms or?

either state farms, consumer farms, corporate owned farms, or family owned farms