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Fat is considered to be important in a balanced diet. Like carbohydrates, fats contain elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy. They are stored beneath the skin helping us to insulate us against the cold.

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12y ago

beacuse you need a bit of every food group to make a balanced diet

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Q: Why do you need fat in a balance diet?
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What well happen if you do not have a balance diet?

you get fat

What is the definition of fat diet?

your fat and you need to go on a diet that's the definition.

What is Singapore national dietary guidelines?

SNDG aims for a balance, moderation and variety in our diet. It also emphasises the need for a diet to be low in fat, sugar and salt but more dietary fibre and water

Do you have to be on a diet when your in gymnastics?

You don't need to be on a diet but don't get fat.

Why do you need balance diet?

For a heathly lifestyle 

Why do you need to reduce the fat in a child's diet?

you dont let them be fat and obese

Do you need fat in your diet?

Without fat, you will be too cold so yes, you have to include some sort of fat in your diet. Yes, you do need fat in your diet. Fat is the energy in your body that you need to have if you are playing some sport

Why do people need a good diet?

if we dont stick to a balanced diet then we will turn fat.

What is Lowes's diet?

A low triglyceride diet is what the name says. A low triglyceride diet which means that the foods that you eat have to have a low fat balance ratio to the amount of carbohydrates it gives you.

What is a low-triglyceride diet?

A low triglyceride diet is what the name says. A low triglyceride diet which means that the foods that you eat have to have a low fat balance ratio to the amount of carbohydrates it gives you.

Why do you need to take well balance diet?

Its very good to have a well balance diet because it makes you feel more alive and its 5x more times healthier than normal diets. But to answer you question no you do not need to take a well balance diet ( unless you want to be skinny or super fit)

How much fat do you need in a low carb diet?
