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Q: Why do you need more school time than recess?
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How is shorter recess better than longer recess?

shorter recess is better because you will learn more in school because there will be more learning time.

How do you stay with your boyfriend when you are homeschooled and he's in public school?

There must be more to your relationship than hanging out during recess if you want it to last. There's after school, SKYPE, email, Twitter, Facebook, weekends etc.

Should kids have extra recess and why?

I don't think they should have an extra one because the reason why they got to school is to learn Japan and China have their kids go to school way longer than us and they only get Sunday off in some schools. We only think this way because we are Americans and only think about more more more.

How do you get the bubble gum into the school?

you put it in your pocket open it during recess(if you have it). keep the rapper to put bubble gum in put bubble gum in rapper after recess other than that i do not know

Should recess be structured?

i don't think think that recess should be structured because every kid needs to have fun in their lives. i am not even a teenager and i think of those who are older than me and younger than me. if your school doesn't have recess and you're against that, take my advise and report it. if you want recess you should get recess. kids do hard work all day and you got to tell that to the people (dean).

Why are school shirts made from more than 1 fiber?

because school shirts need to be thick

Would you need a high school diploma to get a engineer job?

You would need a great deal more than a high school diploma.

What would need to happen for a car to have the same momentum as a school bus?

The car would need to have more velocity than the school bus.

Why do they call a break recess?

should older kids be allowed to have recess ______________________________ It's healthy. All kids should be able to go outside and exercise. For me gym class is how I get exercise during school, but it is nothing like recess. Recess is a time during school when kids feel free. ***ADDENDUM Kids are metabolically different than adults. Since they haven't been alive long, they percieve time differently. An hour is an eternity for a child. They need to get out, take a break and run around or else they'll get antsy and lose focus. Recess allows kids a chance to "reset."

Why don't middle schools have recess?

Because by the time you reach middle school you are expected to be able to stick with study for a whole school day. Younger children have shorter attention spans. I can't answer the question because I am trying to bring recess back to my daughter's middle school. Recess isn't just for playing. Its for getting a drink or a snack, using the bathroom or to just destress until the next class. Our high school has a 20 min. brunch between 2 and 3rd period as does the elementary school. So why do the middle school kids suffer when no one else does? omg u couldn't have been more right

What year did Lee High School open?

We really need more information than that provided - such as the city in which the school is located .

Is school education necessary for entrepreneurs?

Yes as you need to know more information than the people working for you! SO STAY IN SCHOOL!