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Q: Why do you need spacesuit and oxygen tank?
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How do astronauts breathe?

on the back of a spacesuit there is a tank full of oxygen. there is also a tube that connects to the the top of it all.

To go on Neptune what would you need to pack?

maybe you should bring an extra air tank and a really warm spacesuit because it can get so cold on neptune. :)

What does a human need to get to outer space?

You, simply, you need a spacesuit and a air tank and a space rocket to get to space

What astronauts need to go to space?

you will need a spacesuit, food/drink,clothing,rocket,spaceship &plenty of oxygen

Why is a rip in the spacesuit is so dangerous?

The oxygen that the astronaut is breathing escapes through that rip (because there is no oxygen outside of the spacesuit, diffusion makes the oxygen spread outside of the spacesuit), and eventually the astronaut dies of oxygen deprivation.the temperature helps to kill the astronaut as well.

What did Neil Armstrong wear when he was on the moon?

Neil Armstrong wore a space suit when he landed on the moon.

If you were wearing a spacesuit and there was an earthquake would you survive?

If you were on Mars having an spacesuit on would/could help you with the lack of air, but not in an earthquake. An earthquake does not remove oxygen from the air . The only reason to wear the spacesuit is to provide oxygen.

What is the most important thing to bring to the moon?

Probably an oxygen tank or something like that and a spacesuit. Oh, and a spaceship and some food and water. =D And definitely a camera!

What would happen if a flying piece of debris ripped a hole in a spacesuit?

The spacesuit would depressurize, leaving the person inside the spacesuit (if there is one) no oxygen to breathe, leading to their death.

What do astronauts need to stay alive in space?

they need oxygen, food, water, spaceship, and a heat source to survive!

What happens if you take your spacesuit off in space?

If you take off the spacesuit. You will die. there is no gravity or oxygen in space. So it hits you in the face and you instantly die.

Why do you have to wear a spacesuit on Saturn?

Because in space it is all made of carbon dioxide and no oxygen so people are not able to breath in space. The space suit allows you to breath in oxygen because there is an oxygen tank built inside.