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because you will turn into a horse, blow up, die, come back re-incarnated as a bird and get eaten by catwoman. then you will escape from catwomans stomach and fly away. you will then fly into a tree and die then be re-incarnated as Ashton Kutcher!

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Q: Why do you need to get rid of hydrogen peroxide from your bodies?
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Can hydrogen peroxide get rid of rust?

When I put my rusted ligature (instrument piece) into Hydrogen peroxide it bubbled a lot and made it easier to remove the rust but it does not fully get the rust off on its own.

Can you get rid of scabies with hydrogen peroxide?

It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a mite, and it typically requires prescription medication like topical creams or oral medications to effectively treat the condition. It is best to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Where do you buy hydrogen peroxide in Victoria bc?

clean it put some polysporen on itget rid of the inecitfonand it will heal over like a cutbut only if the peirce is fairly freshthere might be some scarring but most likely the hole will completly cover up.

The chlorine atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell 8 electrons will make it stable what does it need to become stable?

The rule of 8. Once an element contains 8 electrons (except helium and hydrogen [i think cause no way 8 electrons could be in it]) , it is stable. It can receive these by loosing or gaining an electron or electrons, depending on its original electron number. meaning: needs 1 electron. (8-7=1) therefore.. look where chlorine is on the periodic table. 7th group. it needs to gain an electron (making it negative [weird i know but when it gains an electron, it becomes negative, same for losing electrons except makes it positive]) while something in the 1st group needs 7 electrons or just lose one electron to make it stable. when you take hydrogen and chlorine, you get rid of the extra electron in hydrogen and place it in the chlorine, which makes both stable (well maybe not hydrogen because if you remove an electron, there would be none left but hydrogen is easier to talk about)

What should you do when you swallow iron filings?

Eat and drink to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Related questions

Why do you need to get rid f hydrogen peroxide from your bodies?

You should not have hydrogen peroxide in your body to start with, but when it touches organic material, the extra oxygen molecule is stripped off and it becomes water.

Can hydrogen peroxide get rid of rust?

When I put my rusted ligature (instrument piece) into Hydrogen peroxide it bubbled a lot and made it easier to remove the rust but it does not fully get the rust off on its own.

How do you get rid of constant breakouts on your neck that acne medicine does not help?

try rubbing hydrogen peroxide on it every now and then .:Maleah:.

Can you get rid of scabies with hydrogen peroxide?

It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a mite, and it typically requires prescription medication like topical creams or oral medications to effectively treat the condition. It is best to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can hydrogen peroxide make you vomit?

Yes. I just tried to gargle with it to get rid of a bacterial infection, and it triggered an automatic vomit response when it hit the back of my throat.

Can you remove black mold using hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide is effective in killing black mold. To use it, simply spray the hydrogen peroxide onto the affected surface, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and then scrub the area with a brush or cloth. Repeat if necessary until the mold is removed.

How can you get rid of a toothache?

Try dabbing on oil of cloves, or gargle with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Take an over the counter pain med you are not allergic to and see dentist if it persists.

Would drinking a little bit of hydrogen peroxide help to get rid of strep throat at all?

Not sure. But my instincts tell me that's a terrible idea. I don't recommend it.

Why do cows defecate?

All living things need to rid their bodies of waste materials

How do you get rid of your acne with home remedies how often do you use these home remedies?

Rub hydrogen peroxide on your face once or twice a day for a week. if it doesn't work by then it wont work. .:Maleah:.

How do you get blood out of cotton panties?

hydrogen peroxide. put a little on the blood spot and let it soak in and rinse with water. it might not ome completely out but washing the panies several times will get rid of the stain.

Can we get rid of all microorganisms on our bodies?

Coughing and sneezing are your body's way of getting rid of microorganisms from our bodies.