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Adding the indicator to the test tube at the beginning may affect the reaction outcome or create unwanted interference. It is often added once the reaction is ready for analysis to ensure accurate results.

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Q: Why do you not add the indicator at the test tube at the beginnin?
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What to add to make water fizz?

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First we measure the test tube on the weight machine and note it . let the wieght be 'a' grams. After that keep putting the salt in the tube until the weight of the test tube ,with salt in it, is = (a + 60) grams . If u accomplish this that means that the salt in the tube is exactly of 60 grams :) .

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The level of water in the test tube will decrease as hydrogen gas is produced. This is because the volume of the gas will displace some of the water in the test tube.

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To test for the presence of hydroxide ions, add a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator to a solution. Then, slowly add dilute hydrochloric acid drop by drop. If the solution turns from pink (indicating basic pH) to colorless, it confirms the presence of hydroxide ions.

How do you draw a test tube?

To draw a simple test tube, use a long, narrow cylinder with a rounded bottom and an open top. Add a small line near the top to indicate the opening of the test tube. You can also include liquid inside to make it look more realistic.

What is the procedure for Benedict?

You must take the testing object, then add Benedict's solution in a test tube. Then in a boiling beaker of water, place the test tube in. Let it sit there and see if there is any color change or precipitated materials.

How do you test hydrochloric acid and magnesium metal?

To test hydrochloric acid and magnesium metal, you can place a small piece of magnesium metal in a test tube and then add hydrochloric acid. If a reaction occurs, you will see fizzing and bubbling as hydrogen gas is produced. You can also test the pH of the resulting solution to confirm the presence of hydrochloric acid.

What are the steps to do the emulsion test?

To perform the emulsion test: Mix a sample with ethanol in a test tube. Add water and shake vigorously. If a milky white emulsion forms, it indicates the presence of lipids.

How do you measure the amount of vitamin C in juice?

we can measure the amount of vitamin C in juice through of samples and then we need to make tests analyzing the ozidizing agents... caca batty my answer will be..... 1. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch into enough water to make paste. 2. To this paste, add 250ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. 3. Add 10 drops of the starch solution to 75 ml of water (use an eyedropper). 4. Add enough iodine to produce a dark purple-blue color. Now your indicator solution is ready. 5. Put 5ml of indicator solution (about 1 tablespoon) in a 15ml test tube. To the test tube, use a clean eyedropper to add 10 drops of juice. Re-clean the eyedropper for each sample. 6. Hold the test tube against a white background. Line up the tubes from lightest to darkest purple. The lighter the solution, the higher the vitamin C content. That's because vitamin C causes the purple indicator solution to lose its color. this is the solution about how you measure the amount of vitamin C..... actually.....i think mine is better than the one at the top tee hee

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