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they are very reactive and would probably react with other elements before we find them.

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Q: Why do you not find pure elements in group 1 and 7?
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Where do you find elements in group 1?

You find them in the left hand column they have 1 protons in the valance shell

Why is sodium called reactive metal?

Please check the associated link on the first group metals. It shows the reactivity of pure sodium and other group 1 elements

How are group 1 elements stored?

group 1 elements are stored in oil because they are highly reactive elements.

What is the number of valence electrons for the elements in group 1?

The elements in Group 1 have one valence electron in their outermost s orbital.

Elements of Group 1 Are Called what?

Elements in group 1 are called Alkali Metals, after that group 2 elements are called Alkali Earth Metals, group 3-12 elements are called Transition Elements.

What is the name of the family of elements in Group IA 1?

Group IA or group 1 elements are known as alkali metals.

What type of ions do the elements of group 1 form?

Group 1 elements are the alkali metals, which form ions wih a 1+ charge.

What is the charge of oxygen and how would you find the charge of an element using only the periodic table?

The charge is 2-. The charges of elements in group one is 1+, group two is 2+, group 16 is 2-, and group 17 is 1-. The other elements you just have to memorize.

Which group of elements most readily combines with group 17 elements?


What did Dalton find out about the atom?

1. Most natural materials are mixtures of pure substances 2. Pure substances are either elements or combinations of elements called compounds. 3. A given compound always contains the same proportions by mass of the elements.

Which group is more reactive on the periodic table group 1 or 2?

Group 1 elements are more reactive than that of group 2 elements.

Why group 17 elements are strong non metals while grour 1 elements are strong metals?

Group 17 elements are acceptors of electrons and group 1 elements ar donor of electrons.