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because their is two halfs

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Q: Why do you say I have a pair of underwear but you only have 1?
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How long does a pair of underwear last?

1-5 years.

How long does it take to get used to wearing thong underwear?

How long CAN you? You can technically wear a pair of underwear for as long as you want to. How long SHOULD you? You should only wear one pair of underwear per DAY. That area should always remain clean, and by keeping the same pair on for multiple days could make you sick or even create an odor. Which, I'm assuming, is not something you'd want.

What quadrilaterals has only 1 pair of parralle sides?

There is no quadrilateral on that list that has only 1 pair of parallel sides.

A polygon with only 1 pair of perpendicular sides?

Any polygon can have only 1 pair of perpendicular sides.

What shapes has only 1 pair of congruent sides?

An isosceles trapezoid only has 1 pair of congruent sides. It is drawn like this:

Can you order only 1 pair of zocks or do you have to get the whole set?

You can order one pair.

How do you simplify your wardrobe?

This is what i think: Any ideas how to simpify it more? For a guy Make sure they are clothes you love 2-3 pair shorts 2-3 pair pants 4-5 shirts 1-2 go out shirts 4 pair same style/brand socks (i use sandals) underwear/boxers including sexy time underwear 1-2 suits depending on job 1-4 dress shirts depending on job a few ties

What are the factor pair of 13?

The factor pair of 13 is 1, 13. It only has one factor pair since it's a prime number.

What are the factor pair for 23?

It is a prime number, so there is only the one pair: 1, 23

What shape has got 1 pair of parallel sides?

A trapezoid has only 1 pair of opposite parallel sides of different lengths.

What is the name of a quadrilateral with at least 1 pair of parallel sides?

It is a trapezoid that has only 1 pair of parallel sides of different lengths

Do you say the ordered pair as 1 and 5 or 1 comma 5?

(1,5) 1 comma 5