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It only moves in one direction; all solar energy radiates away from the sun, never towards it.

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Q: Why do you say that flow of solar energy is a one way traffic?
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Is solar energy nuclear fission or fusion?

The process generating solar energy is one of nuclear fusion.

What does flow of energy mean?

Energy Flow is the movement of energy, which originally comes from the sun, from one organism to another.

Good things about solar energy?

Solar energy is one of the environmental friendly ways to harness energy. It does not cause environmental pollution. It will be the energy of the future.

Is flow of energy in the biosphere one way.?


What is a flow of electrons that create a charge one of the fundamental forms of energy?

Electrical Energy

Related questions

Why do you say that solar energy is one way traffic?

Solar energy is a one way traffic because it does not give out any end product. Fossil fuels give out harmful gases & are thus two way traffic.

Why is solar energy one way traffic?

solar energy can be used only till the time sun is available unless and until we apply an inverter sought thing to be charged by the energy and provide us with it later.......

What is a sentence for solar energy?

Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of energy.We will harvest the solar energy.

What is one renewable source of energy?

One renewable source of energy is solar energy. You can get solar energy from using solar panels. The Renewable Sources of Energy are: Solar Power Hydro Electricity Wind Power Biomass Geothermal

What is hypothesis of solar energy?

The hypothesis of solar energy states that solar energy will be one of the leading sources of energy in the world in the years to come.

What is flow of energy?

Energy flow refers to the transfer of physical energy from one place to another. This often involves the flow of fluid.

What is the potential of solar energy in Malaysia?

Solar energy is an energy harnessed from the sun. According to researches, Malaysia has great potential in harnessing solar energy; in fact Malaysia is already keen to develop solar energy as one of their largest source of energy.

Where can one find solar energy information?

One can find solar energy information through online's encyclopedia which is Wikipedia, by typing there the phrase 'solar energy information' you can choose from different types of meanings.

Is solar energy nuclear fission or fusion?

The process generating solar energy is one of nuclear fusion.

What does flow of energy mean?

Energy Flow is the movement of energy, which originally comes from the sun, from one organism to another.

What is one advantage of solar energy?

It produces Light Energy

What is the best one in renewable energy conservation?

solar energy