

Why do you see stars at night and not morning?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Because the Sun's glare, scattering light all over the blue sky, drowns out the tiny points of starlight.

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Q: Why do you see stars at night and not morning?
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Why do stars shine at night while the sun shine at daytime?

stars do shine in morning but when compared to sun's shining their shine is nothing that's why we are not able to see stars in morning

Why dont you see all constellations at one night?

We can only see half of the sky at one time. And in the morning or the evening,it's too bright to see stars.

Do stars go up in the morning or at in the night?

Stars don't go up at night or in the day because the stars in the universe are always there. You can only see them, however, at night because there is no sunlight to block you from seeing them. The solar energy the stars give off aren't as bright as the sun's, causing them to seem like they aren't there when they actually always are.

Can you see night and stars on the same night?

yes you can se star and night at the same every night because every night there are stars.

What did you see in the night sky?


Why ca you see both the moon and stars in the night sky?

The moon and stars are both out at night.

Do stars only produce light during the night?

yes stars produce light in the night like the moon. and the sun produces light and heat for the morning

What is Ishtar gate?

The star of Ishtar is the brightest star you see in the night sky, for they are all her stars. Ishtar means star. She is the morning star and the evening star.

Do stars shine at night?

Stars shine all the time but you can only see them at night due to the darkness.

How can a star be in the east in morning and west at night?

Because the earth is rotating and the stars are still.

Are the stars only visible at night?

Yes. But there are stars in the morning, it just cannot be seen. That is because the sun is brighter than the stars, while in the night, the moon is a reflection of the sun (light) so the stars are brighter and is clearly visible.

Why do you sometimes see to many stars in the night sky?

You cannot see 'too many' stars in the night sky. You can only see those that are visible. Atmospheric conditions vary and with it, its the transparency. The clearer the sky the more stars you can see.