

Why do you study myth?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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to leans about there stories

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Why do study myth?

to leans about there stories

When did Robert the Bruce study spiders?

It didn't happen, it's a myth.

What is the different between myth and mythology?

A myth is the story itself. mythology is the study of myths, and its history.AnswerMythology is a body of stories or myths of a particular culture or people.

What is the difference between science of and study of?

The science of something are the facts behind it. The study of something are the facts, the history the art, the myth, the anecdotes - everything about it.

What has the author William G Doty written?

William G. Doty has written: 'World Mythology (Myths and Legdns of the World Brought to Life)' 'The \\' 'Mythography' -- subject(s): Myth, Myth and ritual school, Ritual, Study and teaching

Where could you find a short summary of the myth Beowulf?

You can find a short summary of the myth Beowulf in literature textbooks, online resources such as websites dedicated to classic literature, or in study guides specifically written about the story of Beowulf.

An example of a myth would be a story?

The term mythology can refer to either the study of myths or a body of myths. For example, comparative mythology is the study of connections between myths from different cultures, whereas Greek mythology is the body of myths from ancient Greece. The term "myth" is often used colloquially to refer to a false story; however, the academic use of the term generally does not pass judgment on its truth or falsity. In the study of folklore, a myth is a symbolic narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form. Many scholars in other fields use the term "myth" in somewhat different ways. In a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.

What does crypto biological mean?

Cryptobiology is the study of hidden or unknown animals or creatures believed by some to exist, such as cryptids like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. It involves investigating reported sightings, folklore, and evidence to determine the existence of these creatures.

What is the myth of popocatepetle?

that it was a myth

What is meant by myth?


When did the first Christian emperors end mythology?

Ummm.......There are no Christian emperors and no one ended mythology. Mythology is the study of myth and there are many that still partake in those lies.