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That is purely an accident of evolutionary history.

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Q: Why do you suppose four appendages is the rule for vertebrates rather than five or six?
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What are the appendages of a lion?

a lion has five diffrent apendages because appendages are arms legs and tails

What is a squids to longest appendages called?

A squid has ten appendages. A squid's appendages are arranged in five pairs. The longest pair of appendages, the fourth pair, are called tentacles or feeder arms.

What has five appendages?

a starfishFour legs, 12 toes.

The vertebrates are further divided into five groups or classes?

The vertebrates are further divided into five groups or classes.

Five groups of Vertebrates?


Do all living vertebrates have five digits?

No, most living vertebrates have different numbers of digits, anywhere from none to five, and sometimes even six.

What is the root meaning of pentadactyl?

Having five digits to the hand or foot., Having five appendages resembling fingers or toes.

What are the two groups of vertebrates?

There are five groups of vertebrates; fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Why does a penguin belong to the birds vertebrate?

Because Birds ARE Vertebrates!!!!! The Five Vertebrates Are Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds And Fish.

How can you split vertebrates?

Vertebrates can be classified into mammals, aves(birds), reptiles, amphibians and pisces(fishes).

Name 5 organs found in most vertebrates?

Five organs that are found in most vertebrates are the brain, stomach, heart, eyes and skin. Vertebrates are animals that have a spine.

What are five things that crayfish can do with its appendages?

They use them to Walk,Swim,Defend Itself,Smell,and catching prey.