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Many trials are taken in an experiment as a way to limit experimental error. For example, if you are timing how long it takes a ball to roll down an angled track, as a human being you might release the ball at the wrong time, or push the stop button on the timer early or late. By running multiple trials and averaging the results, these errors should balance themselves out and give a better result.

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Q: Why do you take many trials for a experiment?
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What are trials in an experiment?

Trials are the amount of times a certain experiment is repeated.

In a controlled experiment how do the number of trials and sample sizes effect the results?

The number of trials and sample sizes generally increase the accuracy of the results because you can take the average or most common results in the experiment

What increases the validity of an experiment?

Repeated trials of said experiment.

Why do you have to have trials in an experiment?

so your answer is accurate

What does numbers of trials per test means?

how many times did you trial your experiment, for each test you did

Why are multiple trials important when carrying out an experiment?

So the experiment's results are more reliable

How many trials did you run for the sand experiment?

If it is the same experiment attached to link, you would need only 1 trial each unless you want to retry if there is more grain or shape distribution. There is no requirement for how many time in repeating experiment since it is observation experiment not measuring experiment.

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Experimental Probability

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What increases the reliability of scientific explanation?

More trials of the experiment.