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Q: Why do you think Columbus is more famous today than other European explorers?
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How did the voyages of Columbus differ from earlier voyages to the Americas?

he was the first explorer to have a written record of his journey

What did European explorers exchanged?

European explorers in the 1400's to the 1600's traded with the native Americans in the Bahama's. Europeans would trade cows, pigs, horses, sugarcane, and would deliver smallpox. the Indians would trade them turkey, corn, and other natural resources.

What are 3 factors that led to the exploration of the New World?

The water route to the Far East - Columbus Fountain of Youth - Vasco de Gama Money - Other Explorers (Spain)

How did European explorers affect history?

The most obvious way that European explorers affected history was discovery. European explorers discovered a lot of the world like Australia, the Antarctic, America... for example. Without them we wouldn't know about the world. They would have helped with trade and discoveries as well. Like for trade they would discover new ways to get to different places so that people could trade with each other, like ways from getting from Europe to Asia faster by ship. They would help with discoveries too. If the Galapagos Islands hadn't been discovered would Darwin have been able to make his observations that led to the theory of evolution.

Why did explorers need to claim the land they found?

3 main things- GOLD, GLORY, and GOD. GOLD- the explorers wanted to get natural resources like gold and silvers for both themselves and their countries. GLORY- the explorers wanted to be famous, so they claimed all land they found. this resulted in the glorification of the explorer and their country. GOD- the explorers believed that it was their right and duty to conquer other land and spread Christianity. They thought God had meant for them to do this. Hope this helped! =D

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Are European explorers explorers that came from Europe?

Viking Leif Ericson was the first European explorer who visited New York in 1000 A.D. Other famous European explorers to New York include John Cabot of Italy, Jacques Cartier of France, and Henry Hudson of England.

Whose travel book inspired Columbus and other European explorers?

There was no "explorer" who inspired Columbus to go on his ship to sail westward, however, the reason he went on his quest to prove the earth was round was that there was a competition held by the Queen to see who could find the shortest route to India, in a search for gold. As for "other European explorer", there have been hundreds of Europian explorers. Please be more specific.

What was the effect of Christopher Columbus' discovery of West Indies in 1492?

Other European countries sent explorers to claim land in the New World.

What was the effect of Christopher Columbus's discovery of the West Indies in 1492?

Other European countries sent explorers to claim land in the New World.

What was effect of christopher Columbus discovery of the west indies in 1492?

Other European countries sent explorers to claim land in the New World.

What did Columbus deliver to the new land?

Columbus gave the Hispanola Native Americans disease. He came from the old world and with him came diseases and the Native Americans had no immunity to these diseases. Other than that he opened the door to other European explorers.

What was one effect of Christopher Columbus landing in the Western Hemisphere in 1492?

He was the start of the loss of life, lands, and cultures by the Native Americans.

Did Christopher Columbus inspire people?

Yes, he inspired other explorers.

What other explorers did Marco polo influence?

He insipied chrisopher columbus

Who came to America after Columbus in 1492?

other explorers and colonist around the world.

What was Columbus looking for in his exploration?

Like all the other explorers of the 16th century Columbus was searching for India and the "New World".

What are all the famous Spanish explorers?

There were many early explorers who, under the flag of Spain, have become famous. Although Columbus was not Spanish he led the way for other Spaniards that followed. Columbus made 4 trips to the New World and was an Italian. Other well known Spanish born explorers include Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, Ponce de Leon, and Francisco Coronado. More names can be added to the list as it took decades for Spain to fully explore the lands in the New World that they claimed.