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umm several P3nis's were shoved up his mouth.

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Q: Why do you think Doodle strives for these goals even though he does not have a competitive nature?
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Is doodle's brother guilty of murder in The Scarlet Ibis?

Doodle' Brother was ashamed of Doodle through out the entire book so when Doodle couldn't finish the goal that his brother set for him his Brother was so ashamed that like a child ran away from Doodle. He did not intend to kill Doodle though

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No, Doodle was not able to walk by that time. This is how Brother was able to force Doodle to touch the coffin even though he was afraid to. Brother pretended to leave when Doodle refused to touch the coffin but pleaded with Brother not to leave him. If Doodle had been able to walk, he would not have been so dependent.

How do you make elephant on doodle god?

You can't. There is only a set amount of elements that you can create for each category and an elephant isn't one of them. It would be cool though!

What is the main external conflict in the story The Scarlet Ibis as it relates to Doodle's relationship with brother?

The main external conflict in "The Scarlet Ibis" is the pressure from the brother to make Doodle β€œnormal” and conform to societal expectations, even though Doodle has physical limitations. This conflict drives their relationship as the brother pushes Doodle to overcome his disabilities, leading to tragic consequences.

Why is Doodle in 'The Scarlet Ibis' trying to be normal?

Doodle is trying to be normal because his brother, the narrator, wants him to act like a regular child and meet societal expectations of physical and mental abilities. The narrator's desire for Doodle to be normal stems from his own embarrassment and desire for a typical sibling relationship.

Is nature is an art?

SOME try to use art to but no one can imitate or duplicate nature though the made product looks like a piece of nature can it do as in nature what it was meant to

Is doodle jump endless?

Doodle Jump is an endless game. Just like the chrome dinosaur game. There is actually an end though. That's when the script can't take it anymore. But to get there, it will take many million years of non-stop playing.

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Yes Titan insurance has competitive rates and plans when compared to most insurers, as with everything though they can be beat. This company is however a very reputable one.

How do you get blue raptor in wizard 101?

You can only get it at k I free games but you have to play doodle dug for quite a while

What does doodle lie about?

Doodles don't lie about really anything they were just put out in the world to make people with humor laugh, me myself are one of those people. Doodles can affect people though like if someone made a doodle about obama and it was rude, and a lie. That right there is a doodle lie so most of the doodles in the world are 99.9 % true, and 1% a lie