

Doodle God

Doodle God is a fantasy themed puzzle game. It works from the concept of alchemy. Although there are browser versions available, it is mainly intended to be played on touch screen devices.

676 Questions

How do you create void in Doodle God?

Once you reach 100 elements, it will unlock automatically.

How do you make sex in doodle god?

Oh, dude, making sex in Doodle God is like putting together two puzzle pieces that fit just right. You gotta combine the elements of human and human to create the magic of life. It's like playing matchmaker with atoms, but hey, who am I to judge? Just mix 'em up and let the love potion do its thing.

How do you make A laser on Doodle God?

Oh, dude, making a laser in Doodle God is like, so easy! You just gotta combine light and metal, and bam, you got yourself a laser! It's like crafting a futuristic weapon in a video game, but in a doodle world. Just mix those elements and watch the magic happen.

How can you make your house section 8 certified?

To make your house Section 8 certified, you need to contact your local Public Housing Authority (PHA) to request an inspection. Your property must meet certain health and safety standards outlined by the PHA. Once approved, you can then rent your property to Section 8 voucher holders.

How do you make headlight lenses clear again after yellowing from the sun?

You can restore clarity to yellowed headlight lenses by using a headlight restoration kit that includes sandpaper, polish, and a UV sealant. Follow the instructions provided in the kit carefully to sand away the yellowing, polish the lens, and seal it to protect against future damage.

How do you get fertilizer in Doodle God?

you go fishing! the fish your sim catches can be used as fertilizer, or you can go to the store and buy fish to use as fertilizer, actually you use just about anything you buy from the store as fertilizer, but that doesn't mean you should try to fertilize your plants with cheese or something.

How do you create a blood in doodle god?

hunter + bird = meat and blood and feather

In Doodle God how many elements are suposted to be in each group?

Here they are: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Energy(the Yin Yang symbol), Microorganisms(the purple thing with the green dots), Plants, Animals, Knowledge(the pyramid-mask icon), Humans, Transportation(the car icon), Mythological Creatures(the skull icon), Metal Workings(the boiler/hammer icon), and Foods(the icon with the apple and pipe)

Doodle god 2?

1 |\|33|) +h3 /-\ |\|5\/\/3r5.

Why did god create us in this world?

he probably created us humans so that animals wouldn't take over the whole planet. our whole life depends on him. he lets us through the toughest times of our life. anyways, i think god created us in this world so that no mankind could take over. if we were never made who would ever be able to produce our human species. i know that might sound weird but that's mostly all i have to say to you people out there wondering the same question out there. i always wanted to experience why god created us people to have our living lives. i know that most of you out there don't understand what i mean but i simply understand that. that's all i have to say to you guys out there who are wondering the same thing. i hope ya'll enjoy what i typed. thank you i appreciate it.

sincerely your typer,

Samantha Soldano

P.S. I'm only ten years old.

p.s.s. thank you.

Did god create or made woman?

If I believed in God I would think God made women to keep men in line and to further the human race. Without women there would be no offspring therefore no human race.

Answercoz he wanted somethin bad also on the earth ... he did not want only the good .. he wanted to balance it Answerthesecond answer is WRONG and i think that god made us so we can help each other i think AnswerI believe God made women because man needed a companion. I support answer one to an extent. I believe God knew man would be reckless, fearless and eventually become easily corruptable. So God made woman in his image as well. Women are generally kind and compassionate, God made women beautiful because God knew man desired beautiful things. We men eventually desire something that will calm our hearts and make us human again, make us loving and caring and compassionate ourselves. That is why I believe God made women. AnswerGenesis 2:18 And the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him an help mate for him. Author of all God Himself. Resource to answer: written word of God.

Another answer: he also made them becasue woman created men from their pregancy. Without women, God wouldn't be here to amek this world without himself being born.

How do you make sphinx artifact in doodle god?

by making a pyramid artifacts in doodle god the first thing you need to do is to combine more elements