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Q: Why do you think Fitzgerald wishes to convey about gatsbys parties through the incident with the drunks and the car and the husbands and wives going?
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Why do you think Fitzgerald gives a long list of those guests who attended Gatsbys parties?

Fitzgerald uses the list of guests to highlight the extravagance and opulence of Gatsby's parties, emphasizing the superficial nature of the social scene. The list also underscores the emptiness of Gatsby's pursuit of Daisy, as his lavish parties are ultimately a facade to attract her attention. Additionally, the list serves to show the social hierarchy and the superficial relationships that exist in the novel.

How did gatsbys parties end?

Gatsby's parties were a way to lure Daisy to him. once he got together with Daisy there was no more need to have the parties so he ended them.

In the middle chapters of The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby becomes popular for hosting large, lavish parties that many people want to attend. How does this plot development make the outcome of the novel ironic?

very few people attend gatsbys funeral

Who is catherine Great Gatsby?

he is Mrytle's sister who know about Gatsbys and his parties. she also travelled abroad.

What page is the quote Gatsbys parties were expensive elaborate raucous affairs but they were not gatherings of his friends who brought warmth and happiness with them on in the great gatsby?

This quote appears in Chapter 3 of "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, specifically on page 45 of the novel. It highlights the superficial nature of Gatsby's parties, which lacked genuine connections and intimacy despite their grandeur. The quote underscores the emptiness and materialism that characterized the Jazz Age in which the novel is set.

Is the car yours if the car was in you husbands name?

That is up to the parties involved, lawyers, and ultimatly, the judge.

Who attends to gatsbys funeral?

Only a few people attend Gatsby's funeral, including Nick Carraway, Gatsby's father, a few servants, and Owl Eyes, a man Nick met at Gatsby's parties. Most of Gatsby's associates and party guests avoid his funeral, showing their lack of true connection to him.

Who coined the term Roaring Twenties?

The Roaring Twenties was a time in the 20s when bobbed hair, Prohibition, parties, Harlem Renaissance and jazz was popular. The term was coined by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

What is daisys opinion of gatsbys partys?

Daisy finds Gatsby's parties to be extravagant and extravagant, but ultimately lacking in depth and sincerity. She appreciates the spectacle but feels a sense of superficiality and insincerity in the lavish nature of the events.

Why does Fitzgerald give a long list of those guests who attend Gatsby parties?

Fitzgerald uses the lists of guests to demonstrate the extravagance and frivolity of the Gatsby parties, as well as to emphasize the superficiality and shallowness of the social elite who attend. The lists also serve to highlight the contrast between Gatsby's lavish lifestyle and the emptiness of his pursuit of Daisy.

Which leading American writer of this generation described Paris in 1924 as the summer of a thousand parties?

F. Scott Fitzgerald, a prominent American writer of the 1920s, referred to Paris in 1924 as the "summer of a thousand parties." This description captures the vibrant and hedonistic atmosphere of the city during the Roaring Twenties, a period known for its artistic and social dynamism.

Why does Fitzgerald shift 10th when describing the preparations and first arrivals for one of Gatsby and lsquos parties?

Fitzgerald shifts the narrative to the 10th because he wants to emphasize the grandeur and opulence of Gatsby's parties. By skipping past the initial preparations and focusing on the first arrivals, he can more effectively depict the extravagance and allure of the event. This technique helps build anticipation and sets the tone for the lavishness of the party.