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because most of the people started to disagree with the laws

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Q: Why do you think Justinian decided the time had come to reform Roman law?
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Why do you think Justinian decided the had come to reform Roman law?

because most of the people started to disagree with the laws

Why do think Justinian decided the time had come to reform Roman law?

because most of the people started to disagree with the laws

Why do you think Justinian decided the time had come to reform law?

because most of the people started to disagree with the laws

Why do you think Justinian decided to conquered lands to the west of his empire?

because he wanted to rebuild/reconquer the Roman Empire which recently fell (Eastern Roman Empire fell) to barbaric tribes

What were Justinian's code?

The Justinian code was the result of Emperor Justinian's desire to consolidate existing Roman law. Justinian's legislation or "Corpus juris civilis" formed the basis of later Byzantine law.

What is the effect of Justinian creating the law?

The Justinian code is the collection of Roman law. These laws were collected in single volume by the Justinian, so due to this reason these laws are called Justinian laws. This volume was completed in 534 AD and now has effects on Western laws. -from. Another person's answer- P.S.

When was Reform - think tank - created?

Reform - think tank - was created in 2001.

What does John Malalas think about Justinians treatment of probus?

John Malalas said that Emperor Justinian was a generous man to the city of Antiochenes. He reconstructed the walls and established a secure orderly condition in every city of the Roman state.

Why do you think the Justinian code so long?

the justinian code lasted so long because it was fair and justifing

Why do think the Justinian code lasted so long?

the justinian code lasted so long because it was fair and justifing

What set of laws simplified roman laws?

code of hammurabi. (i think) it was a question in my civics exam, and this is what i out. Code of Hammurabi is not correct. The code of Hammurabi was the first written set of laws ever, not the laws that simplified roman law. That would be Justinian Law.

Is the Justinian Code fair to women?

I think so.. Lol