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Cattle domestication took place in areas located around the Mediterranean Sea because that is where farming first began. It was also easier to get them to a port to be loaded on a ship for trade purposes.

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Q: Why do you think cattle domestiocation areas were located around the Mediterranean Sea?
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Why were the cattle domestication areas located around the Mediterranean sea?

Not all cattle were domesticated around the Mediterranean. Many were domesticated in Africa and Northern Europe. But to answer the question, it would be because of availability of food sources and grains that were also domesticated in this area.

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The cattle kingdom is located in Rio De Janero, Brazil.

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On cattle, the pin bone is located where their hip is. These extended bones on the pelvis form the raised points on a cow's back legs.

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When did Cattle boom or cattle industry began?

After the American Civil War, which was around 1865.

How many beef cattle are there int the world?

It is estimated to be around 1.3 billion cattle in the world.

What are live cattle?

Cattle that are alive, responding to stimuli, moving around, eating, sleeping, etc. Live cattle is typically a market term for finisher cattle that are sold before slaughter.

Where is the Cattle Track Arts And Preservation in Scottsdale Arizona located?

The address of the Cattle Track Arts And Preservation is: 6105 N Cattle Track Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250-4605

Does Nevada grow cattle?

Yes, I saw Cattle wandering around two weeks ago in Nevada.

What is cowtown?

Towns located near railroads to market and ship cattle.

Why do cattle bloat on the left side?

Because this is the side that their stomach is located on.