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To assert their nationhood. Sumter was in South Carolina, founder-state of the Confederacy - a nation that Lincoln did not recognise.

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Q: Why do you think confederate forces attacked fort Sumter and when they did?
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Why do you think confederate forces attacked fort Sumter when they did?

To know that we should all be a nation with slaves and equal state rights. Which caused violence and disagreements. Of COURSE, it caused mainly war!

Why do you think confederate forfs attacked fort Sumter?

Because it was a Union garrison in Charleston harbour, and South Carolina was the state that had launched the Confederacy.

What Confederate fortress was on the Mississippi?

i think it is Ft. Sumter

How did soldiers react when they were attacked in fort Sumter?

They were surprised and annoyed. I think....

Why did the confederate think they won the first day of battle?

They destroyed Ft. Sumter and it was turned over to them.

What was the name of the confederate prison where so many union soldiers died?

I think the one your thinking of is Fort Sumter (aka Andersonville)

Which event marked the beginning of the civil war?

The siege of Fort Sumter

Where was the first shot of the civil war fired?

First Bull Run Sorry, but I don't think that that is an accurate answer. The usual answer is that the shots were fired around April 12, 1861, by Confederate artillery on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, Charleston, South Carolina. It's not necessarily true, but it suits the needs of certain groups in how they wish to portray history. Some claim that the first first shots were fired 3 months before the bombardment of Fort Sumter. On January 9th or 10th, 1861, Confederate batteries on Morris Island, manned by cadets from The Citadel, fired on the Union supply ship Star of the West. The Star of the West was attempting to resupply Union forces at Fort Sumter. Although the ship wasn't hit, Confederate forces were successful in driving the ship off. Shots were also fired by northern/union forces on January 8th, 1861, at Fort Barrancas (Pensacola, Florida) under the command of Lt. Adam J. Slemmer, firing at what were probably Alabama militia. See Walter Gierschbach's notes at: See also Robert Hawk writing for the Florida National Guard at:

What types of weapons was used on fot Sumter?

i think superman help them fight

What was Lincoln's reason for going to war in the south?

i think it was because the south was attempting to suceed (im not sure how to spell that) and Lincoln viewed them simply as a group of rebels because he refused to let the United States split. So he sent troops to "control" the trouble makers.

What was the significance of the battle at Fort Sumter?

I think it was that it was the first battle and started the Civil War.

Why was the attack on Fort Sumter an important event?

Fort Sumter was an important event. One that if not taken may have changed a few things regarding the relationship between the North and the South. Here is why: A quote from President Lincoln, " They attacked Sumter. It fell and thus did more service than it otherwise would". Let me explain further. Lincoln did not want a war against the South. He assured the South that he had no intention of trying to end slavery where it existed. He did not even think the executive branch had the authority to do so. What he wanted though was a united nation and as President he was sworn to protect the nation and its "property". By starting hostilities, the South furnished to Northerners any skepticism of using Federal forces to solve this situation. Now, by attacking a United States fort, the South "forced" the United States to end a "rebellion".