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George told because had nothing else better to do .

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1mo ago

George told Slim about what happened in Weed because he trusted Slim and valued his opinion. He wanted Slim to understand the situation and provide guidance on how to handle it. George also felt guilty about what happened and sharing the story with Slim helped him process his emotions.

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12y ago

i think it was because slim asked george why him and Lennie left weed in the first place.

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Q: Why do you think george told slim about what happend in weeds?
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Why do you think george told slim about what happen in weed?

George trusted Slim and felt comfortable confiding in him. Slim's calm demeanor and understanding nature made George feel safe and opened up to him about what happened in Weed. Additionally, Slim's reputation as a good listener and a trustworthy individual may have also influenced George's decision to share his story with him.

Why do you think george tells slim about what happen in weed?

they were very good friends

Why do you think george tells slim what happened in weed?

they were very good friends

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horseshoe i think

Why is George thanking Slim at the beginning?

George thanks Slim at the beginning of the story because Slim offered him a puppy as a gift, which demonstrated Slim's kindness and generosity. This gesture made George grateful and appreciative of Slim's generosity.

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What did slim think was funny about george and Lennie?

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How does slim respond when george explains what happened in weed?

Slim listens attentively as George explains what happened in Weed, showing understanding and compassion for George's situation. He offers support and advice, and empathizes with the difficult position George is in. Slim respects George's honesty and doesn't judge him for his actions.

What does slim get George to do in chapter 3?

Slim convinces George to allow Candy's old dog to be put out of its misery and be shot, as it is old and suffering. Slim persuades George that it is the kindest thing to do for the dog. This event foreshadows the mercy killing of Lennie at the end of the novel.

Why does George put himself downwhen talking to slim?

George puts himself down when talking to Slim because he feels self-conscious about his relationship with Lennie, who has a mental disability. George may also be seeking approval and validation from Slim, who is respected by the other ranch workers. This behavior may stem from George's desire to fit in and be accepted by his peers.