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Q: Why do you think greek mythology stories still exist today?
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Is this Myth of Poseidon still alive does he still exist to the Greek mythology?

Poseidon never died in Greek Mythology, being a god both immortal and ageless he can not die.

Does Zeus Poseidon and Hades still exist?

If you believe in Greek mythology, yeah.

Why do Greek stories still exist?

Because we will know what happened from long ago

What does still mean in Greek mythology?

there is no such thing in greek mythology.

Why do we still believe in mythology?

Myths are stories we do not believe in (any longer). Stories we do believe are not considered myths. The Greek myths were the religion of the ancient Greeks. It has been supplanted by Christianity.

Since the Greek gods are immortal is it possible that you just forgot they exist?

Who's forgotten them? They are still well-known and stories are still told about them.

When did Apollo the god die?

In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of the sun, light, truth, archery, and prophecy. Like all greek gods in the stories, Apollo was immortal, which means he cannot die. So, Apollo never died, and if you believe in Greek mythology, he is still alive today.

Why did they use Greek language on myth?

Nobody deliberately learned Greek just to write Greek mythology. The Greek people spoke, read, and wrote in the Greek language, and were from an area known as Greece. They also happened to write a lot of mythology that we still read today. To the Greek people, writing stories in the Greek language was just as natural as us writing in English.

Why do greek storys still exist today?

Because we will know what happened from long ago

What does hypnotic mean in Greek mythology?

The word hypnotic still means hypnotic in Greek mythology. It came from Hypnos, a Greek word, and also the Greek god of sleep.

Is Hera still around?

In mythology, Hera is a Greek goddess, so if you are asking about her presence in modern times, she does not exist as a living being. However, her stories and symbolism continue to be studied, celebrated, and represented in various forms of art and culture.

Why study Greek mythology?

Studying Greek mythology provides insights into the culture, beliefs, and values of ancient Greece. It also serves as a foundation for understanding literature, art, and language influenced by Greek mythology. Additionally, the stories offer timeless lessons and themes that are still relevant today.