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Q: Why do you think hunters with spear-throwers could hunt large animals?
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Were neanderthals good hunters?

Yes, they were skilled at hunting large animals.

What animals attack wolverines?

A pack of wolves, a large bear, and hunters.

Are hunters people who guard wildlife?

No. They kill large animals for sport and trophies

How did Cro-magnon gathered its food?

They were hunters of large animals, just like the Neanderthals.

Did Cro-magnons use spears?

Yes. They were hunters of large animals. This required the use of spears.

What skill did cro magnons have?

They were skilled hunters of large animals. Artistically, they're known for their paintings on cave walls.

What are the Major Causes of Extinction?

I would say the Meteor that wiped out the prehistoric animal the dinosaur and hunting, a lot of animals are dying out purely because of hunters. Animals such as tigers have become that few that they will gain a bounty, hunters will be given large amounts of money to bring in these animals.

Why did hunters have to find new ways to get food when earths climate began to get warmer?

The heat was drying up the water so animals could no survive .

Why is Africa called hunters paradise?

Because there are many large wild animals that people have hunted in Africa.

What are game parks and reserves?

Large open wide spaces for animals to live freely in, these places are protected by the law and no hunters can harm any animals that live there. The animals are also saved from pollution and deforestation.

Were Wichita hunters or gatherers?

Yes the Wichita hunted often in large group for small animals like rabbits and snakes

Can you shoot a firearm outside in California?

At a shooting range or on a LARGE area of private land.