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because i dont know lol just playing wait no im not i serious i dont know ask some onn else cause i donot know at all telling the true i am trying to figuure that out now now i feel stupid because i didnt answer your quuestion well..... sorry :( maybe next time.

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Q: Why do you think it takes so long for the soil to form?
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How long does it take for 1 inch soil to form?

It takes about 1,000 years

How long does it take for 1 inch of soil to form?

It takes about 1,000 years

How long does it take for soil to form from bedrock to fertile soil?

depending on the climate and other factors it takes about 1,000 years

What are the main factors that determine how long it takes for a soil to form and develope?

Parent Rock Type, Climate, Topography, Plants, and Animals

How do rocks becomes soil?

by erosion but it takes thousands of years to form.

How long does it take for meander to form?

Mostly when a river flows through a flat area with soft soil.

How long does plants take to decompose in soil medium?

about the it takes me to have your mum

A soil gas used by plant roots and soil microbes?

I think its the soluble form of nitrogen

How long does DEEP soil take to form?

about 1,000

How does moving water form a valley?

Moving water forms a valley be eroding the soil underneath it. As the water moves across the soil it takes some with it, this can form a valley over millions of years.

How long does it take for deep soil to form?

500 to 1,000 years

How long does it take for new soil to form after erosion?

100 years