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Apparently John Brown was a radical anti slavery abolitionist. He had a wide range of anti slavery contacts including Fredrick Douglas. It seems he was bent on becoming a martyr for the cause in that capturing a Federal weapons depot in Virginia would surely mean a trial for treason.

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Q: Why do you think john brown decided to dedicate his life to abolition of slavery?
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What was a common belief held by Frederick Douglass William Lloyd and John Brown?

The men were advocates for abolition of Slavery.

What was a common belief held by Frederick Douglass William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown?

The men were advocates for abolition of Slavery.

What did John Brown hope to accomplish by seizing 100000 weapons at the US Armory at Harpers Ferry?

A violent slave revolution and the eventual abolition of slavery.

How did the southerners and northerners react to John Brown's raid?

Southerners were outraged at John Brown's attempt to steal weapons and ultimately free slaves, while northerners called him a hero and martyr. They believed that he died to for the cause of the abolition of slavery.

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(Although abolition usually means the removal of something, it is most often used in connection with the removal of slavery, especially in the US.) "The abolition of slavery started in the late 1700s." "The union successfully pressed for the abolition of mandatory overtime."

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Some abolitionists disagreed with John Brown's actions because they were non-violent. They felt that active, armed attempts at abolition would result in active, armed attempts to keep slavery in tact. They feared the outbreak of a Civil War, which is exactly what happened not long after John Brown's raid.

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What does a abolitionist mean?

An abolitionist was a person who wanted to "abolish" slavery, eliminating it from society. They were more numerous in the North before the US Civil War (1861-1865), but still constituted a small, vocal minority. Some, such as John Brown, tried to force the freedom of slaves by armed action. He and his supporters killed some slave owners and later attacked the Federal armory at Harper's Ferry on October 16, 1859. His plan to arm and lead a slave revolt failed, and Brown was tried and hanged.

What did brown hope to accomplish with his raid?

John Brown wanted a violent slave revolution and the eventual abolition of slavery. He planned to steal weapons from where they were being stored for the Civil War in Harpers Ferry and distribute them to slaves to start his slave rebellion. Obviously John Brown was an abolitionist and was very adamant about his position. His plan was unsuccessful and they were caught before the guns were ever stolen.

How did john brown try to end slavery?

John Brown tried to end slavery by sacrificing himself for the life's of slaves.

What abolitionist vowed to strike terror in the hearts of-pro slavery people?

The vicious murderer John Brown was a radical abolitionists from New England. He hated slavery as did most of the abolitionists. Most Americans did not favor slavery either, however, unlike Brown they would not become killers in order to end it. After the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, the issue of slavery in the new US Territories, Kansas and Nebraska in particular, allowed for the citizens to vote on the issue of slavery before applying for statehood. In Kansas there was armed conflict between pro and anti-slavery people. John Brown and his sons travelled to Kansas to make a case for anti-slavery. They decided to kill any settlers there in favor of slavery. This they did in a horrible way. Somehow Brown and his sons escaped prosecution for their crimes. Their terrorist actions resurfaced in Harper's Ferry in Virginia in 1859. There Brown and his sons took over a federal arms depot and tried to start a slave rebellion. The goal was to free slaves and strike fear into the hearts of pro-slavery people. The rebellion failed and Brown was hanged for treason in 1859.