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Q: Why do you think mucus production is important in the olfactory epithilium?
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The mucus that covers the olfactory epithelium does all?

the mucus the covers the the olfactory epithelium does all of the following. keep the tissue moist dilutes potentially dangerous odorants

What are the main functions of a nose?

the nosetrills,nasal cavity,mucus membrame,cilia,olfactory nerves and olfactory bulb.

What long cilia that protrude from the nasal epithelium and are bathed with mucus?

olfactory hairs

What type of glands occur in olfactory epithelium?

Bowman's glands, also known as olfactory glands, occur in the olfactory epithelium. These glands secrete mucus that helps to moisten and protect the olfactory epithelium, as well as provide a medium for odor molecules to dissolve in, allowing for olfaction, or the sense of smell.

Which fat-soluble vitamin is important for the health of epithelial cells because it promotes mucus production?

Vitamin d

Are Chemicals that stimulate mucus and fluid production?


Mucus production in the stomach is blocked by medications that block the release of?

prostaglandins. prostaglandins protect the mucosal barrier by stimulating the secretion of mucus and bicarbonate and b inhibiting secretions of acid. medicines that block prostaglandins therefore blocks mucus production.

How do people smell food?

A specialized smell receptor is situated In the roof of the nasal canal,called Olfactory mucosa. the olfactory epithelium is innervated by the olfactory(1st cranial)nerve and some branches of the 5th nerve.Olfactory epithelium contains three kinds of cells,namely olfactory receptor cells,supporting cells and basal cells.Olfactory receptor cells are sensory hair cells,sensitive to all kind of cells.Their axons terminally join the olfactory nerve. Supporting cells are mucus-secreting columnar cells. Basal cells are the stem cells from which new receptor cells are formed.Olfaction,just like taste,is a chemical sense. The molecules of the odorous substances reach the nasal canal along with the inspired air. Here, they dissolve in the mucus secretion and then attach to the receptor cells. This stimulates the receptor cells and they generate olfactory impulses. Olfactory nerves transmit these impulses to the olfactory center in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum(known as the olfactory cortex)

How you can decrease the mucus production in the digestive system?

eliminate dairy

Why doesn't food taste the same when I am congested in the head?

The increased volume and thickness of mucus in your mouth and nose blocks your tast buds and your olfactory (smell) sensors

How does the mucus lining in the nasal cavity help in smell detection?

The air carrying the smell would dissolve in it and hence it changes to electrical signals which goes to the olfactory lobes.

What specific things help to prevent mucus buildup from happening in the first place?

ANSWER dairy products are mucus producing cut down or cut out (which ever you prefer) dairy products such as milk, cheese, ice cream drink loads of water (its cleansing and flushes out toxins) antihistamines (histamines actually cause the release/ production of mucus) vasculrestrictors (constricts the blood flow in the nose to the mucus produsing cells) spicy food actually has the opposite effect and will help reduce the production of mucus (although its likely to cause some mucus production first)