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the others require a medium in order to transmit and recieve the signals from outer space

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Q: Why do you think only solar cells and not dry cells or automobile batteries are used in satellites?
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Why can't we use dry cells or automobile batteries instead of solar batteries for satellites?

Dry cells and automobile batteries require a medium in order to transmit and receive the signals from outer space.

Why do you think Only solar cell and not dry cells or automobile batteries are used in satellites?

the others require a medium in order to transmit and recieve the signals from outer space

How are solar cells and batteries similar in function?

Solar cells and batteries are similar in that they both produce electricity.

How are solar cells and batteries similar functions?

Solar cells and batteries are similar in that they both produce electricity.

What powers most satellites and keeps the batteries charged?

Solar panels.

What type of cells is used in satellites to obtain energy from the sun?

Photovoltaic arrays are used( in conjunction with accumulators - batteries - to store energy when the satellite's solar panels are in shadow).

How are satellites energized?

By solar panels, these will charge batteries, so they can operate if the are in the shadow of the earth.

Why are solar cells needed on the calculator?

They aren't needed, most calculators use batteries not solar cells.

What type of batteries are used for solar power?

Solar Cells are used to power Solar Panels.

Did Apollo 11 have solar cells?

None of the Apollo spacecrafts has solar cells. All of them used fuel cells and chemical batteries to provide energy.

Why are solar cell panels used in artificial satellites?

There is an abundance of solar power in space, and a shortage of any other power. Satellites need power, and it would be difficult to get power to them any other way. Batteries would eventually run out, so a way of producing power needs to be included with the satellite. Solar cells are used for electric for the space hubs and satellite to keep it working.

With regular batteries will solar light still charge?

Regular batteries will power a solar light until they run out of power. But regular batteries can't be charged from the solar cells unless rechargeable batteries are used instead. There is also a bit of circuitry involved.