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They wanted to make megaliths because they wanted to make it a holy place of joy and happiness.

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6mo ago

The exact reasons why people in the Neolithic era erected megaliths are not entirely clear. It is believed that megaliths had various functions, including serving as burial sites, markers of territories or religious and ceremonial spaces. They may have been chosen for their durability and strength, as well as their ability to convey a sense of awe and permanence. The cultural and symbolic significance of megaliths likely played a role in their selection as monuments.

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Q: Why do you think people of neolithic era put up megaliths instead of some other kind of monument?
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Why did people of the neolithic era put up megaliths instead of another kind of monument?

The reasons for erecting megaliths in the Neolithic era are not fully understood. However, some theories suggest that megaliths served as markers for burial grounds or religious and ceremonial purposes. They may have also been a symbol of social status or acted as communal gathering places. The specific cultural, spiritual, and social significance of megaliths likely varied among different Neolithic communities.

Why do you people of the neolithic era put up megaliths instead of some other kind of monuments?

because they wanted to make it a holy place of joy and happiness.

Why do you think people of Neolithic era put up megaliths instead of some other kind of monuments?

because they wanted to make it a holy place of joy and happiness.

Why do you think people of the neolithic era put up megaliths instead of some other kind of monuments?

because they wanted to make it a holy place of joy and happiness.

Why were megaliths built?

megaliths were built in the neolithic revolution and people could focus on activities other than finding foods. Also because as population grew, groups of people gathered to perform religious ceremonies. This happened because early people learned how to become farmers.

How did the Neolithic revolution lead the specialization?

The Neolithic revolution lead to specialization. This is because the Neolithic revolution allowed people to settle down and begin to do other jobs instead of hunting.

How did the Neolithic revolution lead to specialization?

The Neolithic revolution lead to specialization. This is because the Neolithic revolution allowed people to settle down and begin to do other jobs instead of hunting.

What accomplishments did neanderthal people make?

Megaliths such as the Stonehenge.

What would happen if the neolithic argricultural revolution never took place?

The neolithic revolution began when people discovered agriculture. Because of agriculture people could now farm instead of hunting and gathering.

What did the Neolithic people use for vehicles?

Neolithic people had no vehicles; they walked everywhere.

What did the neolithic people make?

neolithic people made pots and wheels and tools

What was a long term effect of the neolithic revolution?

Population growth, domestication of animals and plants, people farming instead of hunting and gathering.