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Q: Why do you think senator McCarthy wages an aggressive campaign against alleged communist?
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How effective was McCarthy's campaign against communists in government?

not at all

What did senator McCarthy do in the 1950's?

Senator McCarthy started blaming people to be communist. He would blame people who would go against him. But people wouldn't fight McCarthy because they were afraid of them.

In 1968 presidential campaign what candidate would a dove most likely favor?

In the campaign, Eugene McCarthy. In the general election, Hubert Humphrey.

Why were some people unwilling to stand up to McCarthy and his hunt for communism?

Most reluctance to stand up against the tyranny of McCarthy was out of fear of being label a communist and blacklisted or spirited away in the night.

How did Joseph McCarthy impact the cold war?

•Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, up for reelection raised the specter of Communist conspiracies within the United States. •McCarthy produced a list of 250 names of presumed Communist-supporting government employees. Later, when scrutinized, this list was reduced to 57. •Although McCarthy's accusations were usually baseless and unprovable, few were willing to risk their reputations by speaking out against him.

Who was Joseph McCarthy and how did he affect US history?

Joseph McCarthy was a US senator in the 1950's who lead a paranoid campaign against communist subversion, which involved many false accusations and unjust persecutions, and which is generally described therefore as a witch hunt; it was a disgraceful episode of American history. As is often the case with paranoiacs driven by hatred, McCarthy ultimately destroyed himself. He was censured by the rest of the Senate, and died in a hospital for alcoholics less than two years after leaving office.

What events Led to senator McCarthy being censured by US Senate?

holding televised hearings to sort out allegations from army leaders. then lost many supporters. they censured him for his reckless accusations.

Who lead a crusade against communism in the 1950's?

JOSEPH McCARTHY was a U.S. Senator who formed a witch-hunt to track down all supposed Communists and Communist-Sympathizers in the U.S.

Which of these was not a result of the red scare?

President Truman spoke out against witch-hunting

When was Campaign Against Censorship created?

Campaign Against Censorship was created in 1968.

When did Campaign against Yuan Shu happen?

Campaign against Yuan Shu happened in 197.

When did Campaign against Dong Zhuo happen?

Campaign against Dong Zhuo happened in -190.