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Q: Why do you think some members of the House of Burgesses shouted treason after Patrick henrys speech?
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What treasons did Patrick Henry commit while in the House of Burgesses?

Patrick's treason was that he said he wanted liberty from England.

Why did a lawyer say Patrick Henry committed treason?

Patrick Henry made a speech denouncing the Stamp Act in the Virginia House of Burgesses on May 29, 1765. In response to cries of "treason" in the midst of his speech, Patrick Henry declared: "If this be treason, make the most of it."

Who said give me your liberty or give me your death?

Patrick Henry was making a speech in the Virginia House of Burgesses against King George when opposition members began shouting "treason!" Henry replied, "if this be treason, make the most if it. I know not the course that others might take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death."

Who was accused of treason by others in the House of the burgesses?

In 1765, Patrick Henry introduced a resolution declaring (in part) that "only colonial assemblies had the right to impose taxes on their constituents and that right could not be assigned to any other body." This was one of the first references to what later became "no taxation without representation." The accusations of treason came when he commented on famous leaders (Caesar, Charles I) who were killed by opposing constituents (Brutus, Oliver Cromwell) over fair treatment under law.

Who said 'If this be treason then make the most of it'?

It was Patrick Henry in the Virginia House of Burgesses in late May 1765. His speech was made in an attempt to persuade the House to pass his resolutions that condemned Parliament's Stamp Act, which taxed paperwork of various kinds, including wills and playing cards. As he spoke, he said that Caesar had his Brutus, that Charles had his Cromwell, and that George the Third.... But at the mention of the name of the king, many of those who opposed the resolutions erupted with shouts of "Treason," "Expel that man," and "Silence the Traitor." Determined to finish his statement, Henry shouted above the tumult, "George the Third may profit by their example!" There were more calls of "Treason," to which Henry replied "If this be treason, then make the most of it."It is interesting to note that a young Thomas Jefferson, though not yet elected to the House of Burgesses, was present at this debate as a spectator. It was at this time that the revolutionary fire was lit in the heart of the man who would become the author of the Declaration of Independence.

Was was treason?

Patrick Henry.

Who was the first person that you know to criticized the King of England in colonial times?

My candidate is Patrick Henry. He made a speech in the House of Burgesses in Virginia in which the loyalists began shouting, "treason." At that point, he exclaimed, "If this be treason, make the most of it. I know not the course that others might take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death."

Was accused of treason?

Patrick Henry.

Who was convicted of treason?

Patrick Henry.

Who said Patrick Henry committed treason colonist or British leaders?

British leaders said Patrick Henry committed treason.

How did Patrick Henry dye?

He was Hung for treason

Who said If this be treason make the most of it?

Patrick Henry once said "If this be treason, make the most of it!"