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I'm 14, and i definitely haven't chosen it. But i also don't go around sleeping with every boy (or girl) i like. I've always thought people choose it because they think it is expected of them or maybe just do they can take some kind of moral high ground, i don't know for sure. I suppose it is so easy to be ridiculed: If you loose your virginity too young, you're a whore. But if you loose it too old then you're a prude! People are way to quick to judge. I guess it's just complicated and different people have different reasons for doing things, but i believe it has a lot to do with up bringing. If you know any teens who have chosen abstinence I'm sure they wouldn't mind you asking about their choices.

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Q: Why do you think teens choose abstinence?
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How can you use abstinence in a sentence?

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Are gay teens taught abstinence?

That depends on the school board's sex education policy in your area.

Why is abstinence so important for teens?

It's important so you don't get STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases).

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It's not that teens do not chose to read books, because I read a lot. It is just the teens find things that interest them more, like the internet and T.V. They think that these are more enjoyable. But, not ALL teenagers choose not to read books

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Teens live more in the now than adults do and think it wont happen. Some are under the illusion it will bring her and the boyfriend closer together. It's also not a coincidence that the states with most teen pregnancies are also the ones that teach abstinence only.

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Answer1. Peer pressure2. They think they look older or cooler when they smoke.3. Because they are easy to get.

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Personal choice ! just because many of their friends might be dating - is no reason to make them think they should be too.

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Fertility-awareness (abstinence during fertile cycle) and withdrawal take more self control than some teens (and anyone - really) have and are not as effective as hormonal BC and condoms.

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For teens aged 18/19 pregnancy is normal, if the father recognizes paternity and gives support to both mother and child. For teens aged less than 18, abstinence or birth control is recommended.

Why birth control for teens?

Because teens have sex and they should really not become parents yet. Now someone say abstinence is 100% safe. But it's not. 90% of all Americans have sex before marriage and there was a test done where students said they were going to wait until marriage but by the time they reached college 80% had done it anyway. So abstinence=80% failure rate.

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Irrelavant question to many teens to decide to many rules to follow