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Q: Why do you think that hinge joints such as the elbow and knee only bend in one direction?
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What joint allows you to flex and extend your arms?

There is (mainly, in terms of movement) a ball-and-socket joint in the shoulder; a hinge joint in the elbow; and various joints inside the wrist which work together at different bones.

Does the elbow joint include a hinge joint and a gliding joint?

The elbow is a hinge joint. When you think about it, you can only bend your elbow back and forth. Think about your wrist, that's a gliding joint. It moves in a completely different way than your elbow.

Why are hinge joints called hinge joints?

Hinge joints are called so because they mimic a hinge, which is a mechanism on which something swings, limited to two directions, either back and forward or side to side. Think of a hinge on a door. It allows the door to open and close based on that one hinge. Door hinges do not allow the door to pivot or move in any direction besides open/close or front/back. Hinge joints do the same, such as the elbow and knee, which can only move forward and back.Hinge joints are called that because they open and close like any hinge. If you look for one in the home and open and close it, you will see what is meant by a hinge joint. This joint allows movement in one plane only. The ankle and the knee are good examples. The knee is considered the largest one in the body.

How did the hinge bone get its name?

It got its name because it acts as a hinge, only opening and closing a certain distance. Your elbow is a hinge joint. Think of your elbow as a hinge on a door in your house. The door is your forearm and the door frame is your upper arm/body.

Why do you think they are called hinge bones?

Hinge bones are called hinge bones because they resemble hinges that are on a door. They move on one level like elbow or knee movement.

How are the knee and wrist joints similar-?

The knee is both a hinge and pivot joint. The wrist is a condyloid joint. Although they are both joints in our body, the knee and wrist are different types of joints.

What kinds of joints help the body move?

The hinge joint, Ball-and- socket joint, pivot joint, and gliding joint helps you move. They help you move because it move's you body arms, legs, neck, ankels,and wrist and help you move side to side back and forth

Do you think it would be better if the body had only one type of joint that would allow movement in all directions such as a ball-and-socket joint?

No, there wouldn't be enough stability in certain joints such as the knee or elbow.

What type of joint is in the chicken wing elbow?

Chicken legs are essentially the same as human legs, only smaller, so the joint between the upper leg and the rest of the body is a ball-and-socket joint, while the upper leg to lower leg joint is a hinge joint.

What is synonyms for hinge?

I don't think that there is any accurate synonym for hinge, but the word pivot has a somewhat similar meaning.

What is a hidge joint?

I think you mean hinge joint.

What type of joint is found at the knee?

I think it is a hinge joint.