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The cytoplasm contains substances and enzymes that breakdown nucleic acids (such as DNA). Therefore if the DNA is stored in the nucleus, it is separated and protected from these.

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Q: Why do you think that most DNA us stored in the nucleus of a cell?
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What is the site of DNA storage?

DNA is tightly wrapped into chromosomes, and stored within the nucleus of each cell

Which statement is most likely to apply to a cell that has DNA within its cytoplasm?

A cell that has DNA within its cytoplasm is stored as chromatin. DNA is stored in the nucleus which is located in the cytoplasm.

What are the function of a nucleus in a cell?

The nucleus is sometimes referred to as the "control center". It controls most of the cell's genetic material. ___________________________________________________________________ Basically think of it as the brain of the cell.

Does the nucleus store DNA?

Yes it does. The cell stores information in the form of DNA, and most of the cell's DNA is located inside the nucleus. When a cell divides, the information stored in DNA must be reproduced and passed intact to the 2 daughter cells.

What organelle also stores DNA?

The nucleus contains most of the DNA in a cell and this DNA is called the chromosomal DNA. It is separated from the rest of the cell by a double layer of membrane. The mitochondria also contain DNA, called the mitochondrial DNA.

Is the nucleus most closely associated with DNA?

It is literally packed into the entire area bound by the nuclear membrane.

What is the most obvious difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic?

prokaryotic don't have a real nucleus, so their DNA is scattered throughout the cell eukaryotic have an organized nucleus where the DNA is stored.

What is the control center for cell reproduction and most the other cell activities?


What is a cell called with no nucleus?

there is no such thing. a cell must have a nucleus to be considered a cell. 8) The answer above is wrong. Most bacteria have no nucleus. It is called prokaryotic when there is a missing nucleus.

What does the nucleus for the cell?

It controls most of the cell's activities.

What organelle controls all cell functions in a eukaryotic cell?

Most functions of a eukaryotic cell are controlled by the cell's nucleus. This is because the nucleus contains the cells DNA.

What organelle directs the activity of the cell and contains most of the genetic information of the cell?

The Nucleus.