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cant afford it

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Q: Why do you think the British East India Company's monopoly on tea was a bad thing for colonial merchants?
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What was the British East India Company and how did it become so powerful in colonial India?

It began when Elizabeth I granted a company of 218 merchants a monopoly of trade to the east of the Cape of Good Hope in 1600.

What were the colonial demands after the Tea act?

Colonial merchants immediately called for a new boycott of British goods.

To protest the Townshend Act Colonial merchants?

Vowed not to import British goods.

What would colonial merchants who opposed British trade regulations would have like?

a free market economy.

Which laws passed by Parliament stated that all colonial trade had to be done by British merchants and carried on British ships?

navigations act

Tea taxes in the 1700?

It allowed the British East India Company to ship tea to the colonies without having to pay the taxes that colonial tea merchants had to pay. That allowed the Company to sell tea very cheaply, but it also threatened to drive the colonial merchants out of business.

The passage of british restrictions on trade encouraged colonial merchants to?

find ways to smuggle and otherwise evade the law by trading with other countries.

When british officials decided to enforce the east India companys tea monopoly and the three pence tax on tea?

colonist were outraged because their favortie beverage would cost more than ever before

What most expensive property British monopoly?

Mayfair is the most expensive property in British Monopoly.

Who were the middle class in 1700?

Merchants, doctors, professors, lawyers, and some prosperous tradesmen were considered to be middle class in the British Colonial period in America

How did the sugar act cause tension?

The colonial merchants were mad at the tax. They raised their prices on their sugar so this also upset the colonists. The lost money for Britain upsetting the British.

Is monopoly British?

It was invented in the United States, but there is a British version.