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Q: Why do you think the colony failed to attract settlers?
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Roger Williams i think

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because they think James, duke of york will do good things the Stuyvesant, the dutch government

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The English made a colony called Roanoke twice but both times it failed. I think the next establishment built was Jamestown (in Massatchusetts). That one "survived"

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Why did Roanoke the lost colony go missing?

Roanoke is called The Lost colony because all the settlers disappeared. It was founded in 1587. The founder returned to England for supplies. But when he left the oceans were dangerous, and when he got to England, England was at war with Spain. It took him 3 years to come back. When he arrived, the settlers were gone. On a tree the settlers wrote, "Croatoan". However, their message was not deciphered at the time. Theories now say the settlers died of starvation or from Indians, or they tried to sail away, or some other calamity happened to them.

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I think the answer is that the original settlers in Japan camed from China.

What document gives permission to start a colony?

A charter is a document from a monarch that gives permission to the holder to start a colony. Queen Elizabeth granted a charter to Sir Walter Raleigh on March 25, 1584, giving permission to start a colony in Virginia.

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i think it was a colony of france. :-D

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Most of the settlers were Spainiards, so I would think they took a boat.